Platelet-Rich Plasma Chanhassen, MN

platelet-rich plasma

PRP is a groundbreaking solution that uses your own platelets to stimulate collagen production and rejuvenate your skin. PRP can be used as an injectable filler, serum after microneedling, or as a hair restoration treatment. Let us guide you through the transformative process and provide you with all the information you need. We are your trusted destination for PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) treatments in Chanhassen, MN, and the surrounding suburbs.

refresh and rejuvenate

refresh and rejuvenate

Common FAQS

  • Results can vary, but many clients experience lasting improvements in skin tone and texture. Periodic maintenance sessions can help prolong the effects.

  • Yes, PRP is a safe and minimally invasive procedure since it uses your body's own platelets. It's considered safe when administered by trained professionals in Chanhassen, MN.

  • Mild redness and swelling are common after PRP treatment, but these typically subside within a few days. Your provider will discuss potential side effects and how to manage them during your consultation at our beautiful Chanhassen Med Spa.

  • PRP is versatile and can be used to improve the appearance of the face, neck, décolletage, and even hair restoration of the scalp, serving clients in Chanhassen, MN.

  • PRP results are gradual, with improvements becoming more noticeable over time. Many clients in Chanhassen, MN and the surrounding suburbs report enhanced skin quality within weeks.

What's Included

Our PRP treatment is a comprehensive solution for those looking to revitalize their skin's texture and appearance. 

  1. Start your treatment with a thorough consultation with our skilled professionals. We'll discuss your goals, assess your unique needs, and develop a customized treatment plan to achieve your desired results.

  2. Then a small sample of your blood is taken, and the platelet-rich plasma is separated using advanced centrifugation techniques.

  3. The PRP is skillfully applied to your skin, promoting collagen production, and enhancing your skin's tone and texture.

  4. Once your service is completed, we ensure that you have all the necessary information and guidance for a comfortable and effective recovery. Our team is here to support you throughout your journey.

Book Your Platelet-Rich Plasma treament in Chanhassen, MN

Are you ready to take the first step towards a more vibrant, youthful you? We invite you to schedule a consultation with us at our Chanhassen, Minnesota location today and discover the rejuvenating power of PRP treatments. Let us help you refine your beauty – one revitalized skin at a time.